martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

Adjusted fees for applications to European Medicines Agency from 1 April 2015


Fees adjusted to 2014 inflation rate

Fees payable to the European Medicines Agency by applicants and marketing-authorisation holders are decreasing by 0.1% on 1 April 2015.

Full details of the new fee levels are available in the revised Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/490 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 297/95, its implementing rules and the corresponding explanatory note on fees, published today. These documents include the new fees for all types of procedure handled by the Agency for human and veterinary medicines, including marketing-authorisation applications, post-authorisation procedures, scientific advice and inspections.
Every year, the Agency adjusts its fees on 1 April, in line with the European Union (EU) inflation rate for the previous year. The current decrease reflects the inflation rate for 2014, as published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

All applications received at the Agency by 31 March will be charged at the current fee and reduction rates. Applications received after that date will be charged the adjusted fees. For scientific advice and protocol assistance for human medicines, the cut-off point will be the date of validation of the request for advice. For annual fees the anniversary date defines the applicable fee and consequently any anniversary on or after 1 April 2015 will attract the new fee.

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2015


Cosmetic product safety assessment is a vital part of the Product Information File, and each product placed on the EU market has to pass a safety assessment. Revipharm can perform safety assessments for your cosmetic products according to the standards set out in the EU Regulation 1223/2009.

Who are the individual services intended for?

  • Any EU cosmetic manufacturers or importers that would like to act as a Responsible person themselves, but would require some help with the EU Regulation requirements, explanation about cosmetic legislative requirements outside the EU etc.
  • Any non-EU cosmetic manufacturers who would prefer to appoint another legal or natural person to act as the Responsible person for their cosmetic products in the EU (for example, their importer or their EU branch), but would require help with CPNP notification, labelling review, safety assessments etc. from an EU cosmetics regulatory expert.

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015



Fecha de publicación: 27 de marzo de 2015
Referencia: AEMPS, 3/2015
  • La AEMPS cuenta con la base de datos BIFAP, que incluye información clínica de casi 5 millones de pacientes procedentes de 9 comunidades autónomas.
  • Hasta el momento, esta base de datos ha sido utilizada en numerosos estudios nacionales e internacionales, demostrando su calidad y valía como fuente de información en investigación farmacoepidemiológica.
  • La AEMPS abre la posibilidad a investigadores del ámbito público de utilizar BIFAP en proyectos de investigación independientes con medicamentos y los anima a sumarse al programa.
  • El objetivo final es facilitar la realización de este tipo de estudios y que los resultados de los estudios que se realicen tengan un impacto positivo en términos de salud pública, mejorando la calidad de vida de los pacientes.
La investigación farmacoepidemiológica resulta imprescindible para alcanzar un conocimiento óptimo sobre los efectos de medicamentos comercializados, siendo éste un paso especialmente importante para la toma de decisiones reguladoras encaminadas a minimizar los riesgos y maximizar los beneficios del uso de los mismos por parte de los ciudadanos.
Este tipo de investigación requiere por lo general de fuentes de información potentes y herramientas de investigación sofisticadas.

Reporting requirements for marketing-authorisation holders

Marketing-authorisation holders (MAHs) of medicines authorised in the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) are required to submit information on these medicines to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and must keep this information up-to-date.

This is a legally binding requirement from the EU pharmaceutical legislationExternal link icon (Article 57(2) of Regulation 726/2004).

MAHs are required to submit information on new marketing authorisations within 15 calendar days from the date of notification of the granting of the marketing authorisationby the National Competent Authority (NCA). This obligation applies to:
  • nationally authorised medicinal products;
  • centrally authorised medicinal products;
  • medicinal products authorised through the mutual recognition procedure;
  • medicinal products authorised through the decentralised procedure.

martes, 24 de marzo de 2015


Tras la revisión del balance beneficio-riesgo de codeína para el tratamiento de la tos asociada a procesos catarrales en población pediátrica se han recomendado las siguientes restricciones de uso:

PRAC recommends restrictions on the use of codeine for cough and cold in children

European Medicines Agency’s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) has recommended restrictions on the use of codeine-containing medicines for cough and cold in children because of the risk of serious side effects with these medicines, including the risk of breathing problems.
The PRAC recommended specifically that:
  • Codeine should be contraindicated in children below 12 years. This means it must not be used in this patient group.
  • Use of codeine for cough and cold is not recommended in children and adolescents between 12 and 18 years who have problems with breathing.
  • All liquid codeine medicines should be available in child-resistant containers to avoid accidental ingestion.

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

CPNP Notification

Regulation 1223/2009 introduced a number of changes, and one of the more significant ones was that cosmetic products don’t have to be notified to each EU country individually anymore. Instead a centralized online EU notification portal (CPNP) was established.

Before placing any cosmetic product on the EU market, each cosmetic product needs to be notified (registered) to the centralized EU portal CPNP (Cosmetic Products Notification Portal). Even if Revipharm is not acting as your Responsible person, we can still perform the notification of your cosmetic products to CPNP on behalf of your Responsible person. Contact us to find out more!

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

Intermediarios de medicamentos

La modificación de la Ley de Garantias y Uso Racional del Medicamento y Productos Sanitarios, 29/2006, incluye la figura del intermediario de medicamentos como persona física o jurídica que distribuye medicamentos al por mayor sin llegar a tener el su poder los productos. Aunque las compras/ventas las realice en nombre propio los medicamentos deberán enviarse físicamente desde entidades autorizadas para el almacenamiento de medicamentos: almacenes mayoristas y laboratorios farmacéuticos.

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

Declaración responsable: fabricación de cosméticos y productos de higiene personal

Las actividades de fabricación e importación de cosméticos y productos de cuidado personal requieren de una declaración responsable de inicio de actividad (Ley 29/2006, de 26 de julio, de garantías y uso racional de medicamentos y productos sanitarios, modificada por la Ley 10/2013, de 24 de julio, disposición adicional tercera).

Esta declaración responsable debe solicitarse ante la Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS) aportando:

martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

Pharmacovigilance fees – Information for companies on fees for safety monitoring of medicines

EMA document explains how fees are calculated and collected 


The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has published an explanatory note on the fees payable to the Agency for its monitoring of the safety of medicines authorised in the European Union (EU). The document describes types of fees, fee exemptions and explains how the Agency charges and collects fees from marketing-authorisation holders of medicinal products for human use.

The fees are based on the pharmacovigilance legislation adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of EU that stipulates that EU pharmacovigilance activities for medicines should be financed by the marketing-authorisation holders.

In August 2014, EMA started charging fees for pharmacovigilance procedures, including the assessment of periodic safety update reports, and the assessment of post-authorisation-safety-study (PASS) protocols and study results, and forpharmacovigilance-related referrals. These fees are charged to companies whose medicines, whether centrally or nationally authorised, are included in these procedures.

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

Persona de contacto de Farmacovigilancia en España

El titular de la autorización de comercialización (TAC) de un medicamento de uso humano debe disponer en España, de manera permanente y continua, de una persona de contacto en materia de Farmacovigilancia, y comunicará a la Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS) y al órgano competente en materia de Farmacovigilancia de la Comunidad Autónoma donde el TAC tenga su sede social ,los datos de contacto de la misma (dirección postal, teléfono, móvil, fax, dirección de correo electrónico).

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015

La incorporación del pictograma de conducción en los envases de medicamentos

Con fecha 05 de marzo de 2015, la AEMPS ha actualizado el listado de principios activos por grupos ATC que requieren incorporación del pictograma de la conducción

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

Envío de información sobre comercialización de medicamentos

Desde Revipharm podemos ayudarles en los siguientes trámites con la AEMPS en relación al mantenimiento de la información de comercialización de medicamentos: 

  • Declaración anual de INTENCIÓN DE COMERCIALIZACIÓN. El plazo para presentar estás declaraciones es de un mes y comienza en el mes de octubre del año anterior. Para cada medicamento con declaración de comercialización el titular deberá indicar cuáles de los formatos están efectivamente disponibles y cuáles permanecerán sin comercializar. El laboratorio deberá indicar asimismo si tiene la intención de solicitar la suspensión o anulación del medicamento en el año siguiente.

Safety Data Exchange Agreements (SDEAs)

The marketing authorisation holder may subcontract certain activities of the pharmacovigilance system to third parties. The ultimate responsibility for the fulfilment of all pharmacovigilance tasks and responsibilities and the quality and integrity of the pharmacovigilance system always remains with the marketing authorisation holder.

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015

Mandatory use of webportal for SmPC and PIL in Spain

The Spanish Agency (AEMPS) launched in March 2013 a web application that offers MAH the option to enter the SmPC and PIL in electronic format in fragmented form. From February of this year this application must be used for any type of variation (for electronic entry of the Summary of Product Characteristics and Patient Information Leaflet).

Posted on the AEMPS website on 12 February 2015

Revipharm can help you with the electronic submission of the SmPC and PIL to the AEMPS in the required format. For more information contact us: